Thursday, February 25, 2010

…and the Fat Mon

Randy Ruiz came chugging into camp today, according to the ever industrious Jordan Bastian at his excellent blog here. Ruiz had a towering run in the PWL, posting a line of .344/.423/.594 for a ridiculous 1.017 OPS with 7HR and 27RBI in 26 games. According to reports, the minor league veteran was seen playing left field and first base, and while not inviting Ganderson-like comparisons, apparently was solid enough in the field. If Ruiz can be trusted with a glove at the MLB level, he’s vastly improved his chances to play, especially in potential platoons with Bautista and Overbay.

Drew at Ghostrunner on First wrote a fantastic analysis of Ruiz’ ability to mash, well, everything and Ian H at the Blue Jay Hunter had an impassioned plea for his regular use during the season.

According to Bastian’s reports, Ruiz has dropped a lot of weight, obviously sensing that if he’s going to make the majors to stick, this has to be the year. For a guy who did nothing but produce when asked, you have to think that he’s got to deserve a real shot if he performs in the spring, and if not, someone from the organization needs to finally explain just what they think is wrong with him.

Right now, the only complaint I can see is the insurance going up on the Windows restaurant’s glass.

By the way, despite an unfortunate jack o’ lantern grin, faux hipster glasses, in general a dork by way of the frat look and a gig as the virtual cheerleader for the team, Bastian is one of the better writers in baseball, and his work in his blog manages to convey a comfortable casual interaction with the players without needing to smarm his insider status to make himself look cool. His Spring Training coverage is a must read for any fan.

1 comment:

Ian Hunter said...

I hope and pray that Ruiz makes the 25-man roster. And even if he does, the battle isn't over ... he has to convince Cito to give him at bats.

I would love to see Ruiz as the full-time DH, but it's not going to happen. A boy can dream, though!