Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hard Medicine

Yes, we knew it was coming. Yes, we know it's what is best for the organization. Yes, we know it is best for a man who did nothing but play his heart out and through intense work, effort, and discipline made himself the best pitcher of his generation. We were getting ready for this last year, going to see his final game at home in the retro-powder blue uniform. We have come to know this day would come.

Leroy 'Doc' Halladay is now no longer a Toronto Blue Jay. The upside is that there are people who should be wetting the bed in the Yankees front office, and that godforsaken offensive hole that is the National League is about to learn what pitching in the AL East really tempers you to do. As well, in many years, we'll still get to watch him go into the Hall of Fame as a Blue Jay.

You know, it's like the breakup. It had to happen, it's the best thing for everyone involved, but that still doesn't mean you're not going to drink to much and end up inexplicably crying over that gap in the bookshelf where the set of Calvinos and Sartre and those awful Harry Dresden books she took her with sat.

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